Tag: sunset mindful focus

Yesterday morning a 26 year old woman was killed by a drunk driver while driving home to pick up her two little girls. The accident wasn’t her fault. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 26. Gone. Two little girls left without a mother they will likely never remember. 

On Facebook people were outraged. “Execute the drunk driver”. “When will this stop”. And so on and so on. 

Maybe one of those angry people will write their congressman. Maybe someone will start a campaign to stop drunk drivers. Maybe Uber and Lyft will put a dent in drunk driving deaths. 

But it will all soon be forgotten, except for the family of the poor woman killed in the crash who will be sentenced to suffer until the end of their days. 

Lately I’ve been working frantically to launch my new business, Fit Pro Web Designs. Coupled with all the other demands on my time I can honestly say I haven’t taken much time to stop and smell the roses (so to speak).

Seeing the crash on the news, and thinking about the senseless and random nature of it all, I realized that I need to stop and smell the roses. So I went tonight to take in a beautiful sunset on Lake Ontario. 

I don’t know the deceased woman. i doubt drunk driving will stop in my life time. I know ranting on Facebook won’t change anything. 

But I can change my behavior. I can change my focus. I can find time to take in a sunset, or smell a flower, or say a kind word to a stranger.