Month: July 2013

Overlooking My Backyard

I had yesterday off and decided to take the kids to a small pier on Lake Ontario. The pier is about 4 miles from our house, and it’s surrounded by a park. 

It’s funny how we live only a few miles from Lake Ontario, and almost never take advantage of it. Walking on the pier and watching the waves and looking at the shoreline is very relaxing and peaceful. 

We found a mother duck and her 3 babies swimming in a little stream nearby, and we were able to get very close to them. It was a blast to watch the little ducklings with all their energy and the watchful mama nearby keeping an eye on us. 

We had a great time, it was free, and it will be a great memory. Can’t ask for much more. 

Today I find myself reflecting on it asking why I don’t take advantage of other such opportunities around my area?  Western NY is full of great parks, waterways, and other natural points of interest. 

I take pride in being aware of my surroundings, but in this case it seems like I’m blind to some things that are pretty obvious. Maybe I better open my mind a little!

Natural Pro Fitness Coaching

Natural Pro Fitness Coaching


The scheduled announcement for didn’t go off today as planned. The site simply isn’t ready for prime time even though I was up until 2am last night working on it. 

These types of things are tough, on the one hand my impatience tugs at me to just get something out the door, the perfectionist in me wants to make sure it’s absolutely perfect before anyone can get their eyes on it. 

This time the perfectionist wins, sort of. Hopefully a few more nights of work and it will be ready for prime time.

Almost Ready to Launch

Tomorrow (7/15) we will be letting people know that our new website is open and ready for business. In reality, it won’t be as ready as I’d like (are these things ever as ready as we’d like?), but there comes a time when we have to jump in the pool and see if we can swim. 

I’m sure we will make improvements and changes as time goes by, but for tomorrow it’s a starting point. I promised myself that I would not get stuck in the endless loop of development without actually deploying the site, so off we go. 

Like usual, I’m anxious, excited, and just plain terrified. There’s few things more anxiety-provoking than putting something you’ve created on the internet where billions of people can (but likely won’t) see it.