Month: December 2014

Give ‘em a Break. We were all beginners at some point. Why not lift a new person up this year instead of getting frustrated.

Maybe you can be the motivation that keeps someone coming back to the gym all year.

70 Ways to Make Others Feel Special

70 Ways to Make Others Feel Special

Natural Pro Fitness Tip of the Day – Are You Bothered By Images of Fitness models? If seeing people who are where you want to be gets you upset and in a negative mindset, then unfollow accounts on social media that post those images.

There are plenty of accounts that post images of normal people and uplifting content. Stay positive, surround yourself with people and content that lifts you up and keeps you motivated.

Happy Birthday

As I celebrate my 43 year on Earth, I’m left to reflect where I am, and more importantly, where I need to go. It’s likely that my life is at or near its half way point, and with that realization comes a need to be brutally honest with myself. 

Am I where I want to be? Not really. Have I learned enough to get me where I want to go? Absolutely. Do I have the will to continue the journey? No doubt. 

Hopefully my life will be a canvas painted over many years and each year I will be able to add more brush strokes. 

There’s no time to sit back and relax, it’s all about the hustle and moving forward. 

The Most Important Word Ever. Many people may not know Gary Vee, but he tells it like it is, and many people don’t want to hear it. I’ve been inspired by him since I read his book Crush It and started watching Wine Library TV.

Lots of people talk a good game, but don’t deliver anything. Gary delivers. If you can deal with the truth, his message can change your life.