Month: March 2015

With One Tweet, Ashley Judd Exposed How the Internet Really Treats Women

With One Tweet, Ashley Judd Exposed How the Internet Really Treats Women

Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.

Dennis Waitley

I came across this quote today, not long after coming across another quote mentioning that being a loser is easy. 

Sometimes I wonder if most of us have the same potential stored within us, but many of us take the easy way out and never take action to realize that potential.

The temptation to be a ‘loser’ or to take the easy way out is everywhere. We can watch a full season of a TV show on NetFlix, we can waste hours watching cats on YouTube, and it seems like our phones are constantly dragging us from reality into the narrow digital world. 

It’s tough to shut off the phone. It’s hard to turn off NetFlix. Does taking the easy way out make us a loser?

I suspect there’s more to it than that, in the form of context and time. If we spend all our free time on YouTube or our phone, that’s one thing. If we use such distractions as a quick break from reality, I doubt that would earn us the label of loser. 

But still, these quotes have given me pause today as I contemplate the reality of being a loser sometime, or just being someone who needs a breather from time to time. 

I like to think of myself as a hustler, someone who has a plan and is executing it, but I think it’s always a good idea to make a reality check once and a while. 

These quotes were my reality check today, and I think things are good. Full steam ahead!

Progress, Not Perfection

Recently I lapsed into what I would best describe as a bottomless death spiral. I was unmotivated, not interested, and completely lifeless. Basically just going through the motions doing what little it took to get through the day. 

I’m not sure if that’s what depression is like, but it felt like hell to me. I’m not sure the cause, possibly a new treatment I started for my sleep disorder, but as the days went by I became more frustrated and more detached. 

Quite by accident I snapped myself out of my death spiral with the most novel solution possible, action. Not massive action (ala Tony Robbins), but just action. One afternoon I made several phone calls that I had been putting off, appointments that needed to be made, things that needs to be taken care of, etc.

I set aside time during lunch, made a list and banged out all the calls I needed to make, and I felt great afterward. It was remarkable. 

It was remarkable both because I had cleared my to do list, but also because it was so simple and obvious. I got into the death spiral and stopped doing things, and that kept me in the death spiral. I could dig myself out simply by taking action. 

Again, we’re not talking about massive action, but I committed to taking action every day (beyond getting out of bed and breathing). 

It’s worked, really well., Some days I don’t get things done, but most days I accomplish something, and I feel the momentum building. Little by little I’m getting my mojo back. 

I feel more alive again, I feel like digging into things, and I feel like I can tackle anything I face again. 

It’s funny how we sometimes forget the simple things. The answer to snapping out of my death spiral was right in front of my face. It didn’t take drugs, counselors, or self help books. Just action.Action builds momentum, and the momentum is going to carry me to new places.

It was a difficult lesson, but one I will not forget any time soon. 

11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Emotional Manipulation

11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Emotional Manipulation