Month: March 2011

Yes, I know I live in NY

We received about 4 inches of wet heavy snow today. The commute home was a miserable mess with cars off the roads and slow going. It’s March 23, 2011 and since I’ve lived in NY for as long as I can remember, I’m not unfamiliar with this kind of thing. 

Spring officially started this past Sunday at 7:30pm, so it was inevitable that we would get snow this week. It’s not uncommon to have snow on the ground at Easter time. 

Earlier today someone made the comment that we live in NY and should just deal with it. I don’t want to deal with it!  I want to plant my garden. I want to wear my shorts and sit by the fire at night looking at the stars while complaining about the bugs eating me alive. 

I shoveled my driveway, but I didn’t enjoy it. I complained the whole time like a petulant child. 

But I’m getting even. We have 3 huge pots of tulips growing indoors. They are just starting to open up and they are absolutely beautiful – my way of giving mother nature the finger. 

Writing this makes me feel a little better. I doubt mother nature cares too much what I think or how I feel. I suppose I should just enjoy the day for what it is, rain, snow or sun.

Sold Out

Yesterday it was announced that AT&T is buying T Mobile. I’m currently a T Mobile customer and have been an AT&T customer in the past. For the most part, I’ve enjoyed being a T Mobile customer for the past 2 years. Their customer service has always been helpful and courteous and I love paying $30 per month for unlimited data on my Android phone. 

My contract is up this summer and quite frankly I can’t see myself going back to AT&T. My concern is not really with AT&T specifically, but with the phone companies in general. I hate being locked into 2 year contracts when phone technology changes so fast. When I got my Android phone 2 years ago it was the 2nd Android phone to hit the market and I couldn’t wait to get it. Almost 2 years later I’ve realized how poor the hardware is and I’ve spent too much time wishing T Mobile would let me upgrade to a new phone. So many newer and better Android phones have hit the market it’s crazy, not to mention the fact that my Android phone still doesn’t work ½ as well as my Ipod touch.

I’m pretty sure I would have left T Mobile no matter what. It’s possible I might have stayed if I had been able to upgrade my phone early, but it doesn’t seem like they are too interested in that. 

Technology changes too fast to be locked into any device for 2 years, especially phones. Thankfully I have a couple months to carefully consider my options. 

I feel bad for Charlie Sheen (and worse for the rest of us).

For some reason, actor Charlie Sheen and his bizarre behavior has been all over the news the past 2 weeks. I’m not star-struck and I rarely follow the happenings in Hollywood, but it’s impossible not to know about this situation unless you live in cave. 

I’m not qualified to say this, but from the sounds of it there is something not quite right with Mr. Sheen (mentally and emotionally). While I don’t know much about that, I know the public reaction to it makes me sick. Charlie Sheen set a new record because his Twitter account made it to 1 million followers faster than any other account in history (a short history, but who’s counting). The Charlie Sheen saga has been everywhere and on every form of media despite the fact that our country is still in a recession, governments everywhere are in debt over their heads, and oh yeah, there’s that little thing called democracy sweeping through the middle east.

I say this is sick because of how people are drawn to someone’s misery. It’s like watching car racing just to see the big accident. If people were as interested in fixing the federal budget as they are in Charlie Sheen, we would be in great shape. It’s too bad 1 million people don’t follow the tweets of someone in our military so they can read about real life up close. 

I know diversion is good, we all need something to take us away from our silly jobs and housework and bills and such, but is Charlie Sheen the best diversion we can find?  Isn’t there a basketball game on or a soup kitchen that needs help?