Tag: personal training

Choose Wisely

Have you considered hiring a personal trainer? Have you hired a personal trainer in the past but not gotten the results you hoped for? Are you intimidated by the very thought of hiring a trainer and setting foot in a gym?

Working with a personal trainer can boost your success rate by up to 30% (according to the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine), so working with a personal trainer seems like a logical step to take if you are serious about your health.

I’ve always believed that good health equals true wealth, and after college I decided to immerse myself in the fitness business in the hopes of helping people get fit and feel great.

I started by becoming a certified personal trainer, learning as much as I could about exercise, nutrition, and wellness. I spent most of my waking hours in the gym training people, learning and observing. Over time it became apparent that the best personal trainers were not always the ones with the most impressive credentials or the most years in the business.

Becoming a personal trainer is fairly easy, in most cases you just have to pass a test. Some certifications are more rigorous than others and it can be difficult to determine the good trainers from the bad.

Conventional wisdom says to look for someone with top-notch certifications or even a formal degree in exercise science, and someone with lots of experience.

Education and experience are important, but I am here to offer the opinion that there are other factors to consider that are equally important. When looking for a personal trainer, consider the following:

  • Personality. I believe this is the most important factor. Are they laid back or intense? Will they holler at you during sets or will they gently encourage you? Do they follow through (if they say they will email you a diet or some information, so they actually do it)? Overall, do you feel comfortable with them?
  • Availability. We are all busier than ever. It’s important that a trainer has time for you that fits your life.
  • Communication. How do they communicate? Are they the strong silent type? Do they speak in industry jargon or do they communicate in a way that you clearly understand the message? Do they answer questions without getting defensive or dismissive?
  • Motivation. Do they inspire you to follow through on your workouts and health plans? During your session to they encourage you and keep you pressing forward? Do you look forward to your next session, or do you dread it?
  • Patience. Teaching people how to exercise properly can be frustrating. A personal trainer has likely become an expert on various movements, but helping someone learn something that now comes naturally to them can be trying. It takes patience, and the ability to keep you motivated while you learn, not matter how fast or slow the process.
  • Good listener. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason! Your trainer should listen to you, ask questions, and clarify what you are saying. If you don’t feel heard and understood, it’s time to move on.
  • Passionate. At the gym the other day I watcher a trainer walk their client through a workout. The spent 60% of the time on their phone. You want trainer who is not only into fitness, but is into your success. You don’t necessarily need a Richard Simmons type character (unless you like that), but someone who is passionate about your goals and your success is vital to your success.

Education and experience are important when considering who to hire as your personal trainer, but so to are the intangible factors like passion, listening and patience.

Money spent on a personal trainer, and on your health in general makes for a wise investment that can pay dividends for a lifetime. Make sure to choose your personal trainer wisely.