Writing is Tough Work

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2011

I’m currently collaborating on an eBook with my best friend and while it sounded easy to bang out in theory – it’s a real struggle to get things right. I’m finding myself editing things constantly and making numerous changes to both grammar and content. 

I’m aware that good writing is tough and time consuming and I’m grateful that we picked a topic about which I am passionate. I think my biggest issue is the same thing I’ve faced with my blogs and Facebook and Twitter, which is that I don’t think my writing is good enough, or that there are so many more talented people out there who can write things better than I. 

It’s an interesting paradox how the internet allows anyone to compete on a global stage, but it also opens us up to competition on a global scale. While this scares me, it also excites me for success will be that much sweeter knowing that we dipped our toes in a huge pond and didn’t sink. 

I wrote late into the night last night and at the end went to bed discouraged that I wasn’t making as much progress as I hoped. This morning I had to remind myself that these things will have peaks and valley’s and that in order to succeed I will have to keep my head on straight and press on.

So I suppose I should stop fooling around here and get back to it!

By Pete