Why didn’t I think of that?

Uncategorized May 17, 2011

Today while pondering what to add to my corporate site, rikermedia.com, I suddenly came up with the idea of replacing the static text on my about me page with a video about me. 

Why this suddenly struck me I have no idea as it seems so completely obvious now. To be honest I feel kind of stupid ever posting a text-based resume-type about me page out there in the first place. It seemed like the thing to do at the time, but in retrospect it seems kind of silly. What better way for people to get to know me than by watching a short video of me explaining who I am?

Now that I’ve come up with the idea, I’m pretty excited to get working on it. I have to admit I’m not that great with the camera yet, but I’ve been practicing and I’m getting better. I’m finally to the point where I can actually watch the video and decide if it’s good enough to post, or if I should do it over. I don’t know if other people have the same hang up, but for the longest time I couldn’t stand to watch myself on a video. Slowly I overcame that problem and now I can stand to watch one and critique it. 

I’ve been jotting down ideas about the points I need to cover and what order to cover them, but I also want to leave an element of me in there. I don’t want it to come across as scripted and stiff. Hopefully people will see a little bit of me and feel comfortable reaching out to me. 

Should be a fun and interesting process. 

By Pete