Why aren’t there more videos in blogs?

Uncategorized Apr 1, 2010

As I visit various blogs around the internet, I notice that the vast majority are text. Given the ease with which one can post a video to the internet, I’m surprised more people don’t post blogs as videos. When I decided to try and establish a blog and some websites, the first thing I purchased was a flip cam. I was absolutely amazed that for $100, I could post a good looking video on the internet in almost no time and with almost no editing. I really believed that video was the best way to get a message across on the internet. 

But then it hit me, why wasn’t I seeing more videos on the internet?  Ironically, this thought came to me while I was listening to a video while surfing the net in another tab in my browser. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I don’t have the time or patience to sit and watch most videos. 

I listen to podcasts all the time and I listen to videos all the time, as long as I have something else to do.  I wonder if this is true for many people and that’s why most blogs and other sites are mostly textual?  Is the internet user attention span too short to sit and absorb a video? 

Although I apparently don’t have the attention span to watch a video, I think it’s a shame. I really like watching a video, or at least parts of it. I love to see a face behind a blog or a message. Many videos are creative and engaging and interesting to watch. Perhaps the key is to keep it short. I notice that I will watch a short video, maybe two minutes max. Beyond that, I will start to wander. 

These thoughts have given me pause about how to get my message out. Not only am I posting to this blog, I am also trying to start a bigger wellness related site with a friend. As we begin to populate our sites with content, I am conflicted about how best to present it. Video, text, audio? Perhaps a mixture of everything. Or perhaps I need to see how our community prefers to consume content.

I guess there are no hard and fast rules when producing quality content except to deliver quality and let the community dictate what form it takes. 

By Pete