
Life, philosophy Sep 17, 2020

It’s common to hear someone say “you made me mad” or “he did something that made me angry”.

It’s true, people do things that suck, and we get angry (or frustrated or upset or whatever). It happens. I get it.

But I think claiming someone (or something) “triggered us” to anger is to give away too much of our power.

Once we are triggered, and get angry, the other person or situation essentially owns us. They are in control. They win.

Why would we allow someone else to control us, or how we feel or act.

As hard as it is, we have the power to control our response. Of course we cannot control the feelings that come to us, we are perfectly capable of making good choices about what to do with those feelings.

Someone said something that triggers you (pisses you off). You get angry and fire back. Understandable, but not ideal.

We can make a different choice. If we allow ourselves to be triggered, we are complicit in the offense we take.

Our anger, our temper is ours. We can choose to manifest it or suppress it.

Saying that someone makes us lose our temper is garbage. So is saying we have the right or entitlement to lose our temper simply because someone triggered us.

We are better than that. We can exercise more control over ourselves than that.

It is a choice. How will you chose?

By Pete