Tonight was a good test

Uncategorized May 10, 2017

In recent weeks my car has been in the shop 3 times for brake line issues (they brake lines have all rusted out, 1 by 1). 

The entire brake system is new, lines, rotors, pads, fluid. 

Tonight while driving to visit a friend the brake hit the floor again, and again there was fluid pouring out of the rear of the car. 

Thankfully traffic was light, and there was just enough brake to stop the car (along with the transmission). 

So tomorrow the car will go back to the shop for a 4th time. The last 3 times were just age – rust specifically (it’s a NY/northern US thing). But this time it appears something was done wrong with the installation last month. 

I’m very frustrated. It’s not the end of the world. I’m safely home, and I will have the car towed into the shop again (I feel like the tow truck driver is becoming a member of the family). 

Life is very busy, especially in the spring. Tomorrow night I have 3 kids doing 3 different things in 3 different places all at the same time. I have 2 jobs to get to. Uber and Lyft won’t be operational in NY until July at the earliest. 

When I saw the pool of fluid under the newly repaired area of brake lines, I wanted to cry. Then I wanted to drive my car through the front wall of the shop. 

In the past this kind of thing would have distracted and frustrated me all night, and likely into the next day. 

But that’s not what happened. Yes, I was frustrated and angry for a short while. But I am committed to controlling those emotions and not letting them rule me. 

Tonight was a good test. Could I break my old habit? Have I begun to absorb my readings on stoicism? Could I apply the lessons learned from cognitive behavioral therapy?

The answer is a resounding yes. After the initial period of anger and frustration I dropped it from my mind. The car will be towed tomorrow and fixed. Worrying about it is pointless. Getting angry about it robs me of the time I have (or had) tonight. 

I’m far from perfect, but I’ve come a long way, and for that I’m very proud. 

By Pete