It Was Probably Obvious

Life Mar 23, 2022

Growing up my dad always bought Girl Scout cookies from the parents of Girl Scouts in his office.

To be honest, it was one of my favorite times of the year, especially as all those orders started rolling in!

The best part of the girl scout cookie haul was that my dad often stashed some of the Thin Mints in the big freezer we kept in the basement.

I’m not sure if he thought he was hiding them, or if he just liked them frozen. Perhaps my mom didn’t want them in the freezer in the kitchen.

Whatever the case, every year there would be a healthy supply of Thin Mints in the basement freezer.

No big deal, right? Cookies in the basement freezer, who cares?

Well, as luck would have it, my bedroom was in the basement of our house (long story), and only about 10 feet from the magic freezer holding the precious Thin Mints.

I always figured that my dad bought so many boxes of cookies that he would never miss one or two, so during the night I’d walk over and grab a sleeve of delicious minty goodness.

It was the perfect crime. I was in the basement, everyone else was upstairs. No noise, no sneaking around, virtually no way to get caught (unless my dad started numbering the boxes).

I don’t know if my dad ever noticed, or cared that I took Thin Mints, but in my mind it was a great little caper!

To this day I keep boxes of Thin Mints in the freezer, and every time I go to grab one at night I feel just a little naughty as the memories of those days come flooding back.

By Pete