Strange Start to the Holiday Weekend

Uncategorized Jul 2, 2011

Tonight was the 1st of four parades for the Clyde Saxton Band aka The Penfield Fireman’s Band. We ventured all the way to Fair Haven NY, which seemed like it was ½ way to Syracuse. There were lots of people there and everyone was obviously in a good mood at the start of the holiday weekend.

Everything started ok, but just after we passed the reviewing stand an ambulance came racing through the parade and started helping a gentleman ahead of us who was apparently having a heart attack. The parade was held up for about 30 minutes while they attended to the fallen man and he was eventually driven off by the ambulance.

Unfortunately we never heard how things turned out with the heart attack victim, but hopefully he is ok. In 30 years I’ve seen quite a few things while playing, but this was a first. Hopefully I will never see it again.

I guess it’s all a good reminder that things happen, good and bad, all the time. In the midst of a huge party 1 person ends up fighting for their life. Sometimes reality can be all too real.

By Pete