
Uncategorized Nov 11, 2011

This morning it started snowing big, fat, wet, white flakes. Although I usually grow to despise the snow as the season wears on, the first snow is always a thrill. I think I feel the same sense of excitement today that I did as a little kid.

I live in a world of over-stimulation and distraction from iPads and iPods to TV and smart phones. I’m plugged into something from the time I get up until I go to bed at night. Seeing the snow this morning made me stop and think about how something so simple and so natural (not digital) could stir up such feelings.

I worry a lot about being ‘too’ plugged in – that I am missing the beauty of things around me be it a pretty flower or a bluebird or the stars in the night sky. Oddly being connected seems to connect me to the world in a different way, but it still feels disconnected at times. 

Being connected is a strange thing as I often wonder the value of being the first to know things on Twitter vs hearing it later on the news. Does being among the first to know breaking news bring any value to my life?  I’m not sure. 

Maybe I need to find balance between digital and natural connectivity. I have to believe there’s room in life for both.

By Pete