Royal Pain in the Neck

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2011

In a couple days there will be a wedding in England where Prince William (I think) will wed his sweetheart. As the day approaches the news coverage has intensified greatly and every morning that’s about all the news channels seem to cover. 

To be honest, I couldn’t care less about the royal family or the wedding or any of it, but I’m also saddened by how much attention is being given to this whole affair. Young men and women are dying in battlefields, democracy is trying to get a foothold in the middle east, and our own country is drowning in debt and the lingering effects of the great recession. Of course I recognize that happy events like weddings and sports help us take our minds off the other terrible things going on in the world, but I wonder what it would be like if the news people reported the horrors in the middle east with the same fervor as they do the royal wedding.

I love distractions like sports and music and such, but the royal wedding seems like so much excess in this time and place, especially for folks who have done little more than be born to the right parents. All indications are that both Princes are nice people and try go give freely of their time and treasure to worthy causes, but I still can’t help feel like I’ll be glad when I don’t have to hear about this anymore. 

By Pete