Quality Time in the Bathroom

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2013

Tonight I spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom, but not for the reasons you might think. I work a part time (2nd) job at night at a local grocery store and for the past four weeks they have been renovating the bathrooms. 

Tonight the men’s room was officially open for business and much to my surprise, during the renovation they replaced the tired old hand air dryers with new Dyson AirBlade hand dryers. They are state of the art, and very cool. Compared to regular hand dryers, they are very powerful, and you just put your hands down through the stream of air, and bring them up and they are dry. No mess, super fast, and kind of futuristic. 

Hand dryers are such tired old technology, paper towels a waste of resources. These new Dyson AirBlades are a dramatic upgrade, and are fun to use. 

Mr Dyson was famous for his vacuums, which are also very cool. Although it was fun to play with this cool new gadget, I kept going back and washing my hands because I was enchanted by the simplicity of the whole thing. Mr Dyson saw something he could improve, improved it, and now we get to enjoy the end result. 

It’s much the same as the first time I picked up an iPod, it’s just one of those things that feels special. 

It seems strange to feel enchanted by a hand dryer, but that’s how it felt. Going to the men’s room isn’t usually a big deal, but tonight I really enjoyed each trip and the enchantment that followed.

By Pete