Pete’s First Blog

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2009

They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so I imagine the journey onto the internet begins (for me) with one blog. This is it.

Recently I purchased Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, Crush It. I was up until 3am reading it! I was amazed by his message about building a brand and doing something about which you are passionate. I am inspired to follow his advice and find my passion and act on it.

I just registered my domain name,, although I do not have a host yet. I was surprised to find it available as there is a famous jazz musician named Pete Fountain. Apparently he only wanted and was nice enough to leave for me. Thanks Pete!

I am still sorting out my passion and how I will begin to build my brand online. I have many ideas swimming around in my head and I am working hard to sort them out. Registering my domain name and starting this blog are my first steps. I plan to add some video blogs and other tidbits. My hope is to chronicle my journey so that my family and friends will have a meaningful record to reflect on someday. How cool would it be for my great grandkids (or their kids) to be able to follow my blogs and and tweets and facebook posts and many other yet to be invented technologies? They will be able to watch this part of my life unfold at the click of a mouse, or the touch of a screen. How very different than the grainy black and white photo’s I look at now that chronicle my grandparent’s years.

So off I go.

By Pete