Our Site is Live

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2012

Last night I bought the domain name workingmenshealthandfitness.com and after several tries I found a WordPress theme I like and installed it. 

My friend Frank and I are working hard to put out some great content designed to help guys exactly like ourselves – guys who are super busy with kids, homes, jobs, etc but want to get (or stay) in shape. We have both overcome adversity and life’s obstacles to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We believe we have a lot to offer given that we are both living this lifestyle as we speak and we often hear guys say they’d love to eat better or exercise more if only they could find the time. 

Time is a big issue, but so is motivation. Frank and I are fortunate that we have each other for motivation. I know there are times when I’d gladly plop down in front of the TV and skip a workout were it not for Frank sitting there waiting for me. Hopefully through our blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and email we can help give guys the kick in the shorts they need to get moving. 

Frank has certainly taken it to the extreme when he earned his pro card last spring and became a professional natural bodybuilder.  I lack any desire to jump on a stage in my undies, but I try to eat well and exercise right and to take care of myself within the context of raising a young family and working two jobs. 

Frank and I have a lot to share and I believe we can help some people. Even if we fail completely, it will be a great learning experience and we can apply the lessons learned to future projects. 

By Pete