Merry Christmas 2013

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2013

As Christmas day draws to a close I find myself alone (on Christmas) for the first time in 42 years. I was fortunate to spend most of the day celebrating with family, but circumstances beyond my control put me in a position to be sitting here pecking away at my computer in an empty house. 

I’ve dreaded this ending to an otherwise good day and I’ve had to contemplate how to end this day. Do I chose to be sad and go to bed broken and defeated, or do I chose to rise above my circumstances and chose to go to be energized to face a new day tomorrow. 

Had this happened in years past I may (likely) have chosen to end the day depressed and defeated, but as I have dug out of the fog that has limited me I realize that the clear choice is to rise above. Oddly I feel empowered by my ability to make such a choice, and proud that I am finally aware in my heart that I can make such choices. 

I feel for those who have spent the day alone, or at work, or otherwise isolated by circumstances beyond their control. I am glad I was able to spend most of the day with loved ones and that sleep will quickly end whatever isolation I may have felt. I am also glad that I know I can chose how my day ends. 

This Christmas has been a good one and I will not allow it to end on a sour note. Much of my world is beyond my control, but those things that I can control, I will. 

Merry Christmas to all. 

By Pete