Martin Luther King Jr Day

Life, philosophy Jan 19, 2021

Today we celebrate the life and message of Martin Luther King Jr.

For many people, it’s a day off, part of a rare three day weekend. For other’s it’s just another Monday.

With all the craziness in the world right now, Dr King’s message seems more relevant than ever, yet it seems to be lost on many as simply something to post on social media.

There are memes and messages all over Facebook and Instagram and other social channels telling us to remember, and reminding us of the day.

And that’s nice.

But is it helpful.

I suspect Dr King’s message is more valuable when turned into action (not just the action of posting a meme on Facebook).

I believe we could better serve Dr King’s memory, and our current situation far better by using today to reflect.

Reflect on ourselves, reflect on our behavior, reflect on our actions and our beliefs.

We can’t do anything about the world around us, the protests, the killing, the anger, the hate.

But we can do something about ourselves.

We can take stock of our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs.

Are we who we want to be? Are we who we need to be?

Can we do better? Can we do more?

Our culture is quick to point fingers outward, to blame the other guy, to cast aspersions.

But today is as good time as any to look inward., to look in the mirror.

Do we like what we see?

Are we living the best life we know how?

It’s fine to honor Dr King by posting memes on social media, but the greater good, and Dr King’s memory would be better served if we took stock of ourselves and found ways to be better.

By Pete