Making a Difference

Uncategorized Feb 5, 2013

Yesterday the band I play with during the summer, mostly for the Penfield (NY) Fire Department, was asked to play a few songs for a fireman who is in the the final stages of his battle with cancer. He will be gone soon, and the fire department reached out to us to play a few tunes for him

It was an unusual request, we haven’t played together since the end of summer and no one in their right mind would ask to play outside on a 20 degree day, but the response from the band was quick and positive. 

We met at the firehouse and rode to the fireman’s house, accompanied by dozens of volunteer firemen. We played all the marches in our catalog while standing on the back deck in the freezing cold, all the while the fireman sat inside tapping his foot to the beat. 

I don’t often get a chance to feel like I’ve made a difference in someone’s life in a meaningful way, but I felt that way yesterday. Our band isn’t famous and sometimes we aren’t even all that good, but we try hard and put on a good show for lots of good folks lining the parade routes every summer. Why our performance meant something to this fireman I have no idea, but it obviously did. I’m certain that seeing dozens of fellow firemen in the yard with us also lifted his spirits. 

After our performance he came out on to the deck to thank us and to offer us cookies and coffee. It was obvious that he was not well, but he apparently felt moved enough to make the effort to thank us. 

Ironically, after experiencing such a thing, I felt it was us who should have thanked him. As his days are drawing to a close we were able to provide a few minutes of joy and pleasure to a human being, the gift of music and all it brings to the soul. 

It can be hard to describe how music can move us to tears or make us stand up and salute, but as a musician it’s a tremendous honor to be able to use the gifts that I have to bring any kind of pleasure to another person. 

As we said goodbye and drove away, I found myself humbled and thankful that I was able to make a difference. It is a day I will never forget. 

By Pete