Just Keep Swimming

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2017

Most of the time I’m upbeat, I see the good in things and people, and I try to see the lighter side of life.

Today isn’t one of those days. I rolled out of bed in a foul mood, more depressed than angry. I started to watch the news but had to turn it off after watching a story about a police officer being shot. The emotions of such an event simply overcame me. 

It is a beautiful day outside, so I headed out to mow the lawn and plant a tree. Usually the fresh air makes me feel better. No such luck. 

Ironically I had a great time last night going to the Rochester International Jazz festival. It is a week long event that really makes it worthwhile living in a crazy place like NY. Food, fun, music, people. It was all there, and I soaked up every minute of it. 

But that was last night. 

I don’t know what changed. Maybe I didn’t sleep well? Maybe I need to drink more water? Who knows. 

This happens from time to time. I’ve learned that sometimes the day wasn’t really meant for me, and it’s best to just ride it out and to do my best to put one foot in front of the other. Or as Dorie in Finding Nemo put it, “just keep swimming”.

Being human is a complicated game (for me at least). I know some folks who don’t seem to have a care in the world. I envy them!! (Although I suspect they have cares, they just don’t let us know.)

Oddly enough  my mood has led me to be fairly productive already today, so I guess that’s not a bad thing. 

But I still wish there were day’s when I could detach my head or my heart, put it on a shelf and give it a rest. 

By Pete