IPad Payoff

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2011

I’m sitting here in the dentist’s office while my oldest is getting her braces on. Thankfully the dentist is nice enough to have free wifi in the waiting room, so I’ve got my iPad out and I’m on the Internet (of course I’m only surfing the internet, not opening anything that should be protected).

This is the kind of thing I envisioned when I bought my iPad. I have my little sling bag (back pack) and a book and some other things. It’s perfect!

Of course my iPad is still naked – my cover won’t arrive for two more days, but the only thing I have left to complete the package is my wireless hotspot. For security reasons I don’t want to log into anything through a public access point, so when I get my wireless hotspot (most likely from Virgin Wireless) I’ll be all set.

I’ve been skeptical of replacing my laptop with an iPad and after 2 weeks there are still times I miss a laptop, but I am slowly learning how to work around things and how to live in the cloud. sitting here now I really feel good about the iPad experience. I just pulled it out, Told it what network to use, and off I went.

I still have a lot to learn and I’m sure there will still be times where I go back to my desktop to accomplish things, but every day I’m getting better at the iPad lifestyle and to be honest I’m really starting to enjoy it.

By Pete