I Need a Laptop

Uncategorized Jun 4, 2011

My laptop died in March and I’m lost without it. For the past four months I’ve been tied to this desk trying to get work done and to be honest, it’s not working very well. I miss the freedom to work wherever I want and whenever I want. Right now our desktop is in our bedroom, so when my wife goes to bed I’m done for the night. 

I’ve been all over the place, from ebay to craigslist to various manufacturer sites looking for laptop’s. Of course I’d love to get an iPad, but I’m not sure how easy it would be to build websites on an iPad. I should go to the Apple store and try one out. 

I’ve been in the tech business for more than a decade and been responsible for the purchase of millions of dollars worth of computer equipment but I’m completely lost trying to buy a laptop. There are so many choices and so many options and so many prices that it gives me a headache after only a few minutes of looking. I don’t have a fortune to spend, so I have a price limit, but even within that I’m finding an astounding number of options. 

So of course I’ve fallen victim to the old paralysis by analysis syndrome. I look and look and each time I think I’ve found the perfect machine, I find a better one, or a better price or whatever. For a while I only wanted to buy locally – craigslist or a local store. I like to touch things and see what they can do before I buy. Then I decided that was too limited, so I got onto ebay and other websites. All the while I’ve been wasting time and productivity and possibly money while I think this decision to death. 

So after another wasted night of searching and driving myself nuts, I’ve decided to simply set a date and stick to it – by the end of next week I’ll have a laptop (or iPad) no matter what. So there – it’s out there and I’m stuck with it. I hope……

By Pete