How can anyone take such a bad photo?

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2010

I decided it was finally time to post an actual photo of myself on my blog and facebook and all that good stuff. I must have taken a dozen pictures, each worse than the one before it. How is that possible?  It’s like having my drivers license photo taken over and over. 

In this picture it almost likes I have gas or some other abdominal problem. As I thought about posting this picture, it occurred to me that I’ve never seen a picture of myself that I like. Maybe I have an unrealistic ideal of myself that leads me to believe that I am far more handsome that I actually am. Whatever the case – these pictures make me cringe. 

But I notice that everyone has pictures with their accounts. So I had to pick the lesser of two evils. Do I look stupid because I don’t have any picture, or do I just have a stupid-looking picture? I guess the picture won.

I suppose I really need to try and get a better picture. Eventually there should be one picture that accidentally makes me looks like the handsome stud that I know is lurking inside. 

By Pete