Getting Upset

Uncategorized Sep 13, 2011

I’ve had my new Android phone for about a month now, and tonight I’m trying to use the Tumblr app to upload a video directly to my blog, but it’s not working. I’m using WiFi, so speed shouldn’t be an issue and the video is ok, I can view it on the phone. For some reason when I try to post it I get an error.

This doesn’t really surprise me, but it seems like we should be further along than this. Am I being unreasonable to expect that I can download the Tumblr, do a video and upload it with minimul problems? I wonder how it would work if I used an iPad 2 or a newer iPod touch? Would it be seamless and easy?

My time is very limited and I am always looking for ways to simplify. Tonight is a good example of how things not working really gets my goat (so to speak). I don’t have hours to wade through simple tasks and I shouldn’t have to, technology has advanced to the point that they should just work. maybe developers need to focus more on reliability and stability and delivering on the basic promise of an app before worrying about bling or useless features. Posting a link or photo or video is pretty basic stuff at this point, not far-fetched revolutionary spaceman fantasy.

By Pete