Getting Invited to the Dance

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2011

Today someone I follow on Twitter graciously offered me an invite to Google + and I jumped on it right away. I’ve just dipped my feet into the water, but so far I like what I see, although I clearly have more to learn.

Google has sketchy track record with social media, so I didn’t pay too much attention to the Google + announcement at first, but there is clearly a ton of excitement about it amongst the smart people who keep track of these things.

Invites are hard to come by and + is not yet open to the general public, but I still felt like I was being left out of something exciting. Thankfully that changed today.

As of today, 10 million users have jumped on +, which is an adoption rate faster than Facebook. Of course it’s impossible to know why people are jumping on+, but they are jumping quickly.

Only time will tell what will become of +, but I’m really excited to see it’s birth and childhood.

By Pete