Uncategorized Aug 19, 2013

Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. –Confucious

Recently while my car was in the shop, I had the opportunity to walk to a few places where I would normally drive. It seemed pretty simple, but during the course of my walk I began noticing things I had never noticed before.

Walking gave me a completely different perspective, and allowed me to slow down a little and look at things in a different way. 

Despite having driven the same route countless times, on my walk I noticed a pond I didn’t know existed, and I noticed some beautiful flower beds in different yards that I had never seen. Closer to home I caught sight of a hawk of some kind sitting in a tree possibly waiting for a meal to wander by, or possibly laughing at me and all the other people rushing around below him. 

I really didn’t want to walk where I had to go, it seemed like a waste of time, but after I did, I was glad. I don’t remember enough to take a minute to see the beautiful and interesting things right around me. 

By Pete