CES Hype

Uncategorized Jan 7, 2011

CES is happening this week in California and I wish I could keep track of how many ‘Ipad killers’ are supposedly being introduced so that I can go back a year from now and see how many on the list actually killed the Ipad. I doubt the list would be very long, if there were anything on it at all. 

I suppose trying to kill the Ipad is a worthy business model, but I wonder why no one has the courage to try and create a new innovation, rather than trying to one-up the Ipad. You’d there some small group of eager college students or young people with more dreams than sense would set out to make the next great device. 

Is it possible that Apple has simple demoralized the tech industry to the point the people content to produce devices that are a little better than an Ipad? Making a device more innovative than the Ipad or Iphone or Ipod is a tall order to be sure, but isn’t anyone up to the challenge?  

Or is it possible that Apple has taken tech to the end of the road; that there are no devices better than the Ipad waiting to be born? That’s a scary thought. I see the pull company’s have to closely copy successful devices, but can’t someone, anyone try to create the next great device?

It’s exciting to watch CES and see all the new devices that are coming, but they are largely variations on a theme. It would be great if there was something as exciting as…….well as the Ipad was last year.  

Maybe next year!

By Pete