
Uncategorized Jun 15, 2011

Tonight I saw the most beautiful bluebird while I was on my deck playing Clue with my kids. It cam flying by and landed in the yard, then took off and flew up into a pine tree.  I was really struck by how brilliant the blue color was and by the white outlines around its wings.

I don’t know much about birds and around my house it’s pretty rare to see anything except crows or robins, so a bluebird really sticks out. 

I’ve been trying to be more mindful of my environment lately – to ‘stop and smell the roses’ so to speak. Seeing the beautiful bluebird was a real treat and I have to admit it made my whole night a little better. 

Here in the northeast it can be pretty bleak weather-wise. We just finished a long winter and cold wet spring and while summer is just getting started, it won’t be terribly long before the leaves start falling off the trees again. 

It’s amazing all the little things in nature that surround us if we take the time to notice. The bluebird was a beautiful sight tonight, but there are butterflies and deer and rabbits and other birds all around if we are open to seeing them.

Thank you to the bluebird for crossing my path tonight and helping me remember to keep my eyes open to all the little things around me. 

By Pete