Blogging my brains out

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2010

I’ve spent all my free time the past few weeks working on, a website I’m building with a friend to provide tips and ideas for folks to improve their wellness, diet, finances, etc. one minute at a time. I really believe there is a niche to be found in this. There are lots of blogs and sites dedicated to massive lifestyle changes, but I don’t think most people can handle huge changes and that explains why people spend lots of money trying to fix things, but rarely succeed. 

So, is an attempt to give folks ideas to take small steps – things that they can do in a minute or less that can make a positive impact in their lives. So we’ll see what happens. 

The technical side of the site has been a real struggle. I started on Tumblr, then moved to, then finally to I feel like I’ve looked at 1000 themes and played with a few trying to get the look and feel I was after. I believe I finally hit on it this past weekend. I’m really happy with the theme I’ve settled on and it seems to be customizable to my needs. I hated spending so much time screwing around with the tech end of things, but I think it’s settled and I’m focused on creating content. 

Tomorrow I’m going to do a video or two for the site. I don’t know why more people don’t use video on their sites. Maybe visitors won’t pay attention long enough. Maybe people are afraid of video. It’s so easy, I don’t get why it’s not all over the place. 

I’ve been trying to train my body to be able to work until 12 or 1 am every night. I don’t know that I’m doing well. I really do need 7 or 8 hrs of sleep every night and I find that after a week or two of staying up until 1am, I’m pretty beat and I end up going to bed at 9 several nights in a row. So there is still balance to be found there. 

By Pete