Apple and Expectations

Uncategorized Oct 5, 2011

Today Apple made a big announcement that most people believed would include news of the iPhone 5, but it did not, and the reaction was harsh.

What always amazes me about these Apple announcements is that Apple maintains a veil of secrecy about the press conference while speculation runs rampant. In this case people were ‘positive’ that Apple was going to announce the iPhone 5 and promptly went crazy when they didn’t. Why are people so upset that they can’t read minds? Is Apple supposed to blow us away every time they make an announcement?

I wonder if Apple has set the bar too high for itself. Today’s announcement contained good news even if the iPhone 5 wasn’t part of it. Apple stock went down and there was widespread disappointment with the announcement. Ironically, Apple never promised anything. How do you get disappointed about something that was never promised or mentioned?

It’s always entertaining to watch the stir Apple causes with announcements and I love how Apple fans will walk off a bridge for Apple. Besides BMW, it’s hard to think of too many companies that have such a rabid following. But it’s all so silly trying to read minds and guess what Apple is going to do. Why not just sit back and wait for it?

By Pete