Month: June 2011

The Irony of Rep. Weiner

There is a lot of buzz at the moment about NY Rep Anthony Weiner. Apparently he (or his account) tweeted a picture of his crotch (or someone’s crotch) to a woman out west. Of course he claims that his Twitter account was hacked and he didn’t send the tweet, but for some unknown reason he won’t confirm or deny that the picture is actually of his crotch. During a press conference yesterday he got all hot and bothered with all the questions and he announced that he hired some attorneys to find out who hacked his account. Not surprisingly he also said that he is asking government investigators to stay out of the matter. 

To be honest, I’m sitting here right now trying not to pee my pants laughing at the fact that a guy named Weiner tweeted a picture of his weener. The irony there is just too much for me. The coincidence alone is enough to make me thing someone hacked his account – it’s the perfect crime – Weiner tweets weener. 

On a more serious note, I have to believe this story would have gone away quickly if he came out and said that his account was hacked, the weener isn’t his, and the police were investigating it as a crime to find the hacker. Like most idiots, he had to make it all worse by getting belligerent with reporters, not answering their questions directly, and refusing to actually deny that the picture was of him. 

I might have felt bad for Rep Weiner if his account was hacked (I admit that’s still a possibility), but after watching him act like a fool I’m starting to think he deserves whatever he gets now. The press is going to investigate every square inch of this guy from where he went to school to what time he takes a shower every day. But he brought it on himself.

I think the lesson here, and it’s one that people, particularly politicians can’t seem to get through their thick heads, is that the days of privacy and hiding things is over. We can look to recent examples like Tiger Woods and Arnold to see how quickly things get out once someone in cyberspace gets on to it. 

Everyone has done some things we aren’t too proud of and that we’d prefer not be broadcast to the world. Most of are lucky enough that no one cares about our stupid choices. But it’s about time that people realize that if you screw up, there’s a chance the entire world can find out about it. That’s not to say that anyone will care, but the possibility exists. No more hiding or putting people off until they get tired and go home. If anything, once someone smells blood in the water – the heat really gets turned up, which is why I think Rep Weiner is about to have his life Roto-Routered big time. When he looks back I hope he realizes that he could have stopped all of it before it started by simply being honest and transparent. 

Time Flies

Tomorrow morning my youngest ‘graduates’ from preschool. I’m not exactly sure where the idea of graduating from preschool originated, but it still strikes me as a little overboard. I’m very proud of him, as I’m sure the other parents are proud of their kids and I’m glad to see this milestone come, but I’m not sure it merits a huge ceremony. 

When I was in school all I cared about at the end of the year was who my teacher was the following year and who amongst my friends would be in my class. And of course I was always overjoyed to be out of school for the summer.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with preschool graduation, but it seems like we end up celebrating everything with our kids. I enjoy these occasions, but I sometimes wonder if we are setting them up for disappointment when they enter the ‘real’ world where celebrations are few and far in between. Hopefully they won’t come to expect a big dinner and party every time they accomplish something. 

I think that’s all I have to say about that.